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Meticulously researched, quality-assured qualifications

When you choose our qualifications, you ensure that your students can achieve their full potential.


Our qualifications are rigorous and research-based. Over 1,000 teachers, subject matter experts and university academics were involved in the development of the UK specifications and specimen resources that our international qualifications are based on.


That’s why the development process takes over a year involving 15 development stages and 5 consultative checks.


It means when you choose OxfordAQA, you can be sure your qualifications are both robust and enjoyable to teach.

Our exam papers follow the same level of quality assurance as our specifications, from the development of the original UK question papers, to their international versions. We engage with a huge team of experts to ensure they are valid, reliable and appropriate for various student abilities.


We are meticulous about evaluating our content so it is appropriate for non-native English speakers living outside the UK. Our goal is to create qualifications that are relevant for your students, allowing them to succeed fairly and solely on the basis of their subject knowledge


Why Cambridge Assessment International

Our curriculum sets a global standard for education, with programmes that stretch, challenge and inspire our students.


Good assessment is at the heart of a good education. We design assessments that are fair, valid, reliable and practicable.


Cambridge students can be confident that their qualifications will be valued by universities and employers across the world.



Cambridge Assessment International

+ Past Papers


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